The Vark Learning Styles among University Students of BusinessSchools
Los estilos de aprendizaje Vark en estudiantes universitarios de las escuelas de negocios
Carlos Luy Montejo1 |
1Universidad de San Martín de Porres, Lima, Perú. |
The aim of this research was to know the learning styles in the students of the business schools of a private university in the Department of Lambayeque. An applied survey, a test of VARK learning styles, was applied to 218 university students (71 students of Administration and 147 students of International Business Administration), from the II to X term of the business schools of said University. During the first semester of the 2018, it was found that 25.5% of students have a multimodal learning style. It was also found that age is significantly associated with learning styles. Finally, a significant relationship between the learning style and the professional school is demonstrated. On the one hand the Administration students have mostly a multimodal learning style (two or more styles), while international business students have a reading/writing learning style.
Keywords: Learning Styles; VARK; Multimodal Learning; Reading/Writing Learning; Undergraduate Students.
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo conocer los estilos de aprendizaje en los estudiantes de las escuelas de negocios de una universidad privada del departamento de Lambayeque. Mediante una encuesta aplicada, prueba de estilos de aprendizaje VARK, a 218 universitarios/as (71 estudiantes de Administración y 147 estudiantes de Administración de Negocios Internacionales), del II al X ciclo de las escuelas de negocios de dicha universidad durante el primer semestre del 2018. Se encontró que el 25.5% de los/as estudiantes tienen un estilo de aprendizaje multimodal; asimismo, se halló que la edad está asociada significativamente a los estilos de aprendizaje. Finalmente, se demuestra una relación significativa del estilo de aprendizaje y la escuela profesional, de un lado los/las estudiantes de Administración tienen en su mayoría un estilo de aprendizaje multimodal (dos o más estilos); mientras que los/las estudiantes de Negocios Internacionales tienen un estilo de aprendizaje lecto/escritora.
Palabras clave: Estilos de aprendizaje; VARK; Aprendizaje multimodal; Aprendizaje lecto/escritora; Estudiantes de pregrado.
In the tertiary education sector, specifically in universities, the academy constantly makes contributions to strengthen the abilities of the students in order to improve their academic performance. Research works address from diagnoses to know the external and internal problems that influence the academic performance (Chilca, 2017; Gul, et al., 2016; Chafloque, et al., 2018) and topics on how to improve the academic performance through study habits (Espinoza, 2017; Hernández, Rodríguez & Vargas, 2012; Otero & Torres, 2005), teaching methodologies (Palazón, Gómez, Cándido, Concepción, & Gómez, 2011; Gonzalez & María, 2007), environments and scenarios for a better learning, (García - Valcárcel & Tejedor, s.f.), learning styles (Estrada, 2018; Freiberg, Ledesma & Fernández, 2017; Acevedo, Tirado & Montero, 2015; Ortiz, Sánchez & Lozano, 2013; Esguerra & Guerrero, 2010; Gonzáles, Constanza, & Padilla, 2010) and family environment (Torres & Rodríguez, 2006; Covadonga, 2001).
When a teacher concludes a class or learning session, the teacher conducts an evaluation of the topics addressed, through questions, exams or rubrics. The teacher will take into account the different criteria according to the competency he wants to reach (López, et al., 2014). Although the class session is developed in similar conditions for the group of students (same center of studies, same professional school, same pre-requirements acquired, similar intellectual capacity, similar age, similar teacher), the results of the evaluation show that not all the students achieve a satisfactory learning. This does not mean that a student has less abilities than others, but there are different learning styles (MartínGarcía, 2003; Barrio & Nicasio, 2000; Cano, 2000) and that each student has different abilities or that they can vary as the time goes by (Gómez del Valle, 2003; Ordoñez, Rodriguez, & Plaza, 2003).
Learning involves a series of "biological and psychological processes that occur in the cerebral cortex that thanks to the mediatization of thinking" (Díaz, 2012, page 6), the student ends up modifying the information as part of his knowledge, skill, attitude and experiences that he is acquiring when interacting with the external environment. That is, we can talk about learning when there is a lasting change, for which the phase of doing is important
Kolb (1975) takes as a starting point Piaget’s theory and he considers learning in 4 stages that are going to occur as a continuous spiral and if all of them are achieved, learning ends up being significant for the student.
Each student, depending on his particular circumstances, interest, preference or pleasure, will feel more comfortable in some stages, such is the case that if a student learns and enjoys the moments that include experience training activities, he is considered as an active students. On the other hand, we have students who are passionate through observation and in the middle of it they reflect, they are considered reflective students. Other group of students prefers the phases where knowledge is shared through concepts, theories, laws, etc. This group is considered as theoretical students. Finally, there are students who like more the moments where they learn by doing and this group of students are considered as pragmatists. (Diaz, 2012).
Richard Bandler and Jhon Grinder propose postulates that contribute to the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), which state that the individual tends to have a behavior produced and programmable, where the emotional state will be determined by the sensory perception, evidenced through a communication that can be verbal and non-verbal (Vinyamata, 2011; Bórquez, 2002). The NLP divides the sensory perceptions into three systems: visual, auditory, kinesthetic.
In this work, we use the model proposed by Neil Fleming and Collen Mills, who finished in 2006 the development of a simple instrument in order to determine the preferences of sensory modality when processing the information, they call it VARK: Visual, Auditory, reading/writing and kinesthetic (García Nájera, 2007). For Lozano (2004), the VARK model supposes that each student can identify his own learning style, be aware of their sensory preferences (Sarmiento, Mayté, & Tuyub, 2017), adapt to the teaching style of the teacher and act on his own modality, in order to increase the use of their learning (Núñez, Hernández, Tomás, & Felipe, 2013). The VARK model provides a quantification of preferences of the students in each one of the four sensory modes (Gonzáles, Alonso, & Rangel, 2012). Figure 2 shows the activities that can be employed and that can support each learning style.
Many people will have a dominant representation system or in some case, they combine both systems. Then, a classroom with a group of students with similar characteristics and each one of them with different dominant sensory representation system, the teacher should incorporate the methodological strategies that benefit all the learning styles, from the moment of motivation to the part of the evaluation of knowledge learnt. (Varela, 2006).
In this context and taking into account that there are several learning styles in university students, the aim of this study is to analyze the learning styles of the undergraduate students at a private university of the city of Chiclayo.
The knowledge generated through this research will allow knowing the existing relationship between the academic and demographic characteristics and the learning style, as well as to accurately understand the learning styles by professional schools. Based on the evidence generated, managers, teacher and students of the university under study could be involved, so that they can commit to implementing actions to improve learning styles according to the professional school.
Research Design
The research design used was non-experimental, descriptive-correlational.
Population and Sample
The population was composed of all the students (men and women) who were studying the second and tenth term of the business schools, in the 2018-I semester of a private university in the city of Chiclayo. The population was composed of 135 students of the professional school of administration and 251 students of the professional school of international business administration.
The type of sampling used was probabilistic stratified by the professional school, with 97% of confidence and 5% of error, so there were only 71 students of the professional school of administration and 147 students of the professional school of international business administration.
In addition, 218 students participated: 134 women with an average age of 20.87 (D.E. 2.03) and 80 men with an average age of 21.64 (D.E. 2.20). Students surveyed belonged to the professional schools of administration and international business administration from the second and tenth term. The study period was during the academic 2018 1 semester. Table 1 shows the demographic and academic characteristics of the students surveyed.
The study used a questionnaire structured as a self-report, which has demographic and academic questions as well as the learning style scale.
Learning style scales: the test "VARK Model" was used, it is an instrument proposed by Fleming & Mills (1992). They design an instrument that takes into account the way in which people process information according to their sensory modality preference. For Lozano (2004), the VARK model at the beginning identified the sight, hearing and the movement as learning styles, which are just those that mark the first learning of the person since he was born, and then once they acquire the reading-writing skill, they have a new way of acquiring and filtering information.
Such is the case that at the beginning, the VARK model included only 13 questions, then in 2006, 16 questions with 4 answers each. (Fleming, 2006).
Translated from English to Spanish, revised by experts in the area of education regarding the level of relevance, intelligibility, definition and syntactic formulation of each question. (See Appendix1).
Authors such as Gónzales, Alonso, & Rangel (2012), Nuñez, Hernández, Tomás, & Felipe (2013) Dania & Marchisio(2013 - 2014) and Castillo & Mendoza (2015) use the VARK model in order to evaluate the learning style in a population with similar characteristics to those of this research (university students).
Statistical Analysis
The statistical data processing was conducted by using the statistical software SPSS 22.0 for Windows. To determine the relationship between the variables that characterize the students of the professional business schools, the independence test was used. In addition, an ANOVA was conducted in order to find out if there were significant differences in the average age of the students for each learning style of the student.
Validity and Reliability
For the reliability analysis of the scale, the reliability coefficient Cronbach’s Alpha was used. The learning style scale (α=0.528) obtained a lower Alpha than the expected (α = 0.706). This is due to the fact that the scale presents excluding data. This does not indicate any problem, since the learning style are different and this can exclude the other.
The VARK test was validated by Leite, Svinicki & Yuying (2009) through a confirmatory factor analysis, obtaining scores of 0.85; 0.82; 0.84 and 0.77 for each sub-scale, considering it as an appropriate test.
The construct validity analysis was conducted through the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with Varimax rotation. The 16 items under study provided a factor solution of 6 components with a total variance of 52.53% of the original data.
The survey was administered and assisted in person by trained professionals. The students were informed about the objectives and scopes of the study. Confidentiality and anonymity were guaranteed. Their participation was voluntary, without any kind of academic, economic or other incentives. The students completed the survey during class hours, the average time was 15 minutes.
The VARK model takes into account four learning styles: visual, auditory, reading-writing and kinesthetic. In addition, 29.5% of students perceive the information through written words and showed in handouts or books. While 19.3% of students learn doing or experimenting, for instance, in laboratories or exercises applied. In similar percentage, 17.4% of students learn by hearing and talking, that is, when they participate in the classroom, they learn more. Finally, 8.3% of them perceive information through images that could include figures, symbols, charts, slices and others. For Fleming (2006), a person can present 1 or more learning styles; 25.7% of the students of the professional schools of administration and international business administration have a multimodal learning style (see Figure 3).
This research associated the socio-demographic and academic characteristics with the learning styles. It found significant relationships with age and the professional school. According to age, in students aged 18 predominate the auditory learning style, in students aged 19-23 predominate the reading/writing learning style, in students aged 24 predominate auditory learning style, and in students aged 25-26, the learning style that is applied by most of the students is kinesthetic.
Another important aspect analyzed is the learning style that stands out in every student, taking into account his age and the type of course he studies. In students aged 18-23, the learning style that predominates is the reading/writing, especially in students who are studying general courses, introductory courses, professional training courses and research training courses.
This research found a significant association between learning styles and professional school. In addition, 35.6% of students that belong to the professional school of administration have a multimodal learning style (including 2 or more learning styles). On the other hand, the students that belong to the professional school of international business administration have a reading/writing learning style (32.0%) (See Table 3).
The curriculum of the professional business schools is divided by areas or type of information that the student is acquiring: general training courses, introductory courses, professional courses and research courses. Table 4 shows that kinesthetic learning predominates in the group of students studying general training courses (31.6%). Most of the students studying introductory courses and research training courses have a reading/writing learning (27.1%). Finally, the group of students studying professional training courses have a multimodal learning style (34.7%). Despite finding obvious results, no significant association was found between variables.
Table 4 shows the relationship between academic performance and learning styles, although there is no a significant association. We can observe signs that students who have an academic performance lower than 11.9, have a multimodal learning style, while the students who have an academic performance from 12 to 13.9 have a reading/writing learning. Finally, students with an academic performance higher than 14 have two learning styles: multimodal and kinesthetic.
A variance analysis showed that there are significant differences in learning styles and the age of the student. The auditory learning style will have more influence according to the age of the student, being the students aged 24 who use more this learning style (F: 2.896, P-value=0.004).
Studying the learning styles helps to understand the process of perceiving and processing the information in this case of the undergraduate students (Alonso, & Rangel, 2012; Nuñez, Hernández, Tomás, & Felipe, 2013; Dania & Marchisio, 2013 2014; Castillo & Mendoza, 2015). This study showed that 25.5% of the students have a multimodal learning style. Varela (2006) mentions Fleming, who provides a significant contribution to education by suggesting that teachers should know and adapt the learning sessions to the preferences the students have for receiving information and as a consequence, facilitate learning for an optimal performance.
The curriculum of each professional school has a series of courses that will contribute to the professional training of students according to the specialty chosen. Most of the students of the professional school of administration has a multimodeal learning (two or more styles), which is typical of a business administrator who must have the skills to organize, research, analyze, propose, execute and make sound decisions, having an integral, critical and innovative vision (FCARRHH, 2018). On the other hand, most of the students of the professional school of international business administration has a reading/writing learning style, which is typical of the training they are receiving, in which when making decisions, they need to know and have a vision of the company in a global context, for which they should read about the external and internal reality of a country (FCARRHH, 2018). Nuñez, Hernández, Tomás, & Felipe (2013) in the research they did on students of the professional school of Computer Science, they found that they have a kinesthesic learning style, bearing relation with the development of most of their courses that involve practical activities, movements, time space, that is, they learn by doing. It is very important to know learning styles according to the professional training of the students, so that the courses included in the curriculum use teaching techniques, evaluation systems and activities that help to train professionally competent students.
In this study, the academic performance is not associated with the learning style in a significant way, similar conclusion found in other research works (Chafloque, et al., 2018; Acevedo, Tirado, & Montero; 2015; Ortiz, Sánchez, & Lozano, 2013; Gonzáles, Constanza, & Padilla, 2010) indicating that others are the factors that influence the academic performance (environmental, physical, emotional, etc.). However, it is necessary to know if the teacher are considered the learning style of the students to give their learning sessions according to Gónzales, Alonso, & Rangel (2012).
The age is significantly associated with the learnign styles. In the group of the youngest students (aged 18-23) mostly predominate a single learning style. In students aged 24-26 predominate the multimodal learning style. Martín & Rodríguez (2003) say that as people get older, they lose that dominant character (referring to the learning style), since they start to combine different styles according to the moment, which reinforces their hypothesis that lies in the fact that the older the poeple, there is interindividual vairability. The research works of Gómez del Valle (2003) and Ordoñez, Rodriguez, & Plaza, (2003) suggest to conduct a longitudinal study to see if the age has impact on the definition of learning style.
Sex and learning style are not associated in a significant manner, so both men and women have mostly reading/writing and multimodal learning style. Barrio & Nicasio, (2000), Cano (2000) indicate that there are differences in learning styles according to the sex of the students. In the same line, MartínGarcía (2003) explains that the learning style is not associated with sociodemographic variables (sex, marital status and level of education).
According to the objectives set, the learning styles of the students of the Business Schools are described, finding that according to the professional school, the student has a marked learning style (Administration: Multimodal, International Business Administration: reading/writing). In addition, there are no significant association between learning styles and academic performance of the sudents, sex, occupational situation, type of course and professional experience. Likewise, there is no significant association betwen the learning style and the age of the students, finding that as getting older, learning style stops being just one.
Finally, it is necessary to study other variables such as motivation, study habits, environments for learning, etc. to know if the variables mentioned when they are related with learning styles help to improve the academic performance.
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Received on 10-29-18
Reviewed on 12-01-18
Approved on 03-13-19
Online on 04-02-19
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