Política editorial

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Instructions for authors

Propósitos y Representaciones; journal of educational psychology of the Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, seeks to become a plural forum for the disclosure of knowledge that is produced from scientific research among academics, researches, professors and university students. Promotes a perspective that favors the diversity of subjects, disciplinary as well as theoretical approaches, and methodological proposals.

Publication sections

Propósitos y Representaciones publishes five types of sections

 Editorial: requested by the Editor of the journal, its content refers to a topic of interest according to the editorial policy, or articles published in the current issue of the magazine.

 Research articles: empirical contributions with theoretical support. Are papers that present in detail the results of research projects and analytical reports of interventions, through evaluation, systematization of experiences or case studies, using references to other interventions and conceptual debate. The text should not exceed 25 pages, or be inferior to 15 pages (including quotations and appendants). Research manuscripts should include the following sections: (i) introduction, (ii) method, (iii) results, (iv) discussion; and, (v) references.

 Review articles: analysis, systematization and integration of results of published or unpublished investigations on a field of knowledge, topic or problem, with the aim of establishing stages of knowledge about the subject. They should include a relevant and up-to-date bibliography. The text shouldn´t exceed 30 pages or be inferior to 10 pages. Research papers should include the following sections: (i) introduction, (ii) argumentation, (iii) conclusions; and, (iv) references.

 Comments: includes thematic, methodological or book comments. Thematic comments are the analysis and discussions of a short and current bibliography (last 5 years) on a specific topic. Methodological comments are the reviews and commentaries of the adaptation/adoption of an innovative methodological proposal (last 5 years). Book comments are a way to showcase publications with relevant contributions (with one year of publication). The text of this type of section should not exceed 8 pages.

Obituaries: commentary on the news of the resent passing of an outstanding person related to the thematic of the journal. The obituary must respond to the recognition, contribution, public transcendence and meaning of the person´s life.

The articles that are proposed for publication in the journal should be written in accordance to the following guidelines:

1. The text of the paper should be in Arial font, size 11, in Word, in vertical A4 format and using space and a half. The margins should be 3 cm in all sides.

2. The author names (first full name, the initial of the second name and only the first last name) must be placed following the Title of the article, and indicating the institutional affiliation with a superscript number, leading to a footnote, which designates the professional training and/or speciality, position and email.

3. Should include an article summary, both in Spanish and in English (two in total), with a word count of 150 to 250 words. At the end of each summary should be the key words, between 3 and 5 in both Spanish and English. The summary must be written in a single paragraph.

4. If applicable, the acknowledgments and information on academic and financial aid received for the preparation of the research article, should be included in a second footnote.

5. The heading levels are 5 corresponding to the 6th edition of the APA manual (Publication Manual, 2010) as shown in the following chart. 

6. The footnotes should be only the essential ones. Should be clarifying and not with the purpose of presenting a bibliography. 7. Use figures to express numbers 10 and above and words to express numbers below

10. The exceptions are any numbers in tables or figures, and referring to years, measurements, percentages, decimals, etc., that are always written as figures.

8. The tables and figures should be, preferably, originals. When taken from another source, it should be clearly mentioned de origin of such and accredit that an authorization has been given for its publication, which should immediately follow the reference. The Headlines should clearly explain the meaning. The APA style should be used, with correlative headlines and numeration. Example of a table

Table 1.

Example of a figure:

9. The citation style corresponds to the APA editorial style 6th edition (Publications Manual, 2010). Following are three examples of the more common styles:

- Carrasco (2007), con un estudio multinivel (estudiante, aula, escuela) sobre un segmento de la base de datos de PISA 2000, encuentra que…

- En el estudio se halló que, entre los determinantes del rendimiento para el área de comprensión de textos, las variables que al parecer resultan más influyentes son la proporción de alumnos no repitentes en la escuela y la asistencia a la educación inicial (Beltrán & Seinfeld, 2011).

- Es posible sostener que "los resultados de las evaluaciones nacionales e internacionales muestran que el grueso de la población escolar de nuestro país, y de sus similares de la región latinoamericana, no alcanza los estándares requeridos en competencias básicas de aprendizaje" (Miranda, 2008, p. 11).

Other ways of citation (institution as author or electronic book) are subject to the same style.

10. The reference style also corresponds to the APA editorial style 6th edition (Publications Manual, 2010). Following there are four examples of common references:


Carrasco, G. (2007). Calidad y equidad en las escuelas peruanas: Un estudio del efecto escuela en la prueba de matemática PISA 2000. Lima: CIES/DESCO.

Article in a book

Miranda, L. (2008). Factores asociados al rendimiento escolar y sus implicancias para la política educativa en el Perú. En M. Benavides (Ed.), Análisis de programas, procesos y resultados educativos en el Perú: Contribuciones empíricas para el debate (pp. 11-40). Lima: GRADE.

Article in an electronic magazine

Beguet, B., Cortada, N., Castro, A. & Reanult, G. (2001). Factores que intervienen en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de Psicología y Psicopedagogía. Revista Científica de la Dirección de Evaluación y Acreditación de la Secretaría General de la Universidad de El Salvador. Recuperado el 4 de mayo de 2010, de http://www.salvador.edu.ar/uc4-pub-01-1-1-04.htm.

Article with DOI

León, F. (2013). Diferencias de sexo en matemática y comprensión lectora según poder femenino, urbanización y habilidad. Propósitos y Representaciones, 1(1), 11-38. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.20511/pyr2013.v1n1.1

Other ways of making a reference (e.g., book with several authors, book chapter, electronic book, etc.) are subject to the same style.

Submission of Manuscripts

The manuscripts must respond to original and unpublished works that are not in an arbitration process in other magazines. The contents of all articles are the sole responsibility of the authors. Manuscripts must be sent electronically through the journal's platform, registering one user at the following address http://revistas.usil.edu.pe/index.php/pyr/user/register, the use of this resource allows to make a follow up of the status of the manuscript. Also, the contribution could be send to the email: propositosyrepresentaciones@usil.edu.pe

In any case, a declaration of originality and a resume should be attached, where the institutional affiliation and emails are clearly indicated.

The authors must designate an author of correspondence, who may not necessarily be the principal author, with whom the Editor will maintain constant communication during the arbitration and publication process of the manuscript.


The manuscripts of the journal Propósitos y Representaciones will be published under the Creative Commons license (Attribution-NonComercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International) allowing the free dissemination of the work, without alterations to the final version, attributing the credit to the original authors through the corresponding citations and with non-commercial purposes. The journal does not charge the submission, processing, evaluation and publication of the manuscripts sent by the authors.

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