El crecimiento del café var. Caturra Roja y su relación con la aplicación de abonos orgánicos

El crecimiento del café var. Caturra Roja y su relación con la aplicación de abonos orgánicos


Alberto Julca Otiniano
Ricardo Borjas Ventura
Segundo Bello Amez
Yeferson Ladera Manyari
Diana Rebaza Fernández
Coffee organic production has an important role in Peruvian economics. There are many organic products that are applied in coffee plantations, with unknown effects. Therefore, a test was conducted to determine the effect of organic products applied to a var coffee substrate, Caturra Roja in a Chanchamayo (Junín, Peru). Organic fertilizers studied were Aminovigor, Fertiprotec, Fertigigas Plus, Lacto Fer and Alopes Forte. Results indicated that there were statistic differences only for plant stem diameter, fresh weight, dry weight, and Dixon Quality Index (DQI). For plant stem diameter, the treatments with Aminovigor (5 ml/l), Aminovigor (10 ml/l) and Fertigigas Plus (20 ml/l) were statistically different from the control. Regarding fresh weight, treatments with Aminovigor (10 ml/l) and Fertigigas Plus (20 ml/l) had the highest values of 6.54 g and 6.67 g, respectively. The highest value (2.65 g) for dry weight was obtained with Aminovigor (10 ml/l). Treatments with Aminovigor (10 ml/l) had the highest DQI value (0.33). In general, in these treatments we only found some statistically differences, except in those mentioned above and therefore the possibility of future research is open.


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