Evaluación de biodiversidad en la Nueva Zona Reservada Península de Illescas

Evaluación de biodiversidad en la Nueva Zona Reservada Península Illescas


André Ríos
Ecoplayas, a Peruvian non-profit organization created in 1997, developed, according to its objectives, a project to expand the protected areas of the Peruvian coast. In 2000 they organized eight expeditions along the coast, conducted four consulting workshops and made multiple communal contacts, investigating areas in need of protection. In 2007 they submitted a technical file to the Peruvian State proposing the Illescas Peninsula, in Sechura (Piura), as a reserved area. In 2010, after four joint expeditions with officials from the National Service of Natural Protected Areas (SERNANP), approval was obtained and the Illescas Peninsula Reserved Area was created. Continuing its support to the Peruvian State, in January and February 2012 , Ecoplayas, commissioned by the Categorization Committee formed by the SERNANP, conducted a scientific study to assess biodiversity in this reserved area. In June 2012, the committee recommended its categorization as National Reserve. It was concluded that the reserved area is in a state of nature conservation, with SERNANP in charge of its revenue control. However, the presence in the territory of mining and oil concessions that may be exploited in the future is a threat. It is urgent to categorize it as a National Reserve and zone it indicating the areas of strict protection. The valuable natural landscape, the ecosystems and the species that inhabit it, make this reserve very valuable for scientific research and ecotourism activities, which may benefit the local communities. Due to its hydrobiological wealth, it will be important to study in the future the possibility of extending its boundaries to the marine space.


Author Biography / See

André Ríos, Organización Ecológica Playas Peruanas, Lima, Perú

Bachiller en Biología y tesista para licenciatura de la Universidad Ricardo Palma, labora como especialista en estudios de ecosistemas acuáticos y recursos hidrobiológicos y como analista de investigación biológica marina en la Organización Ecológica Playas Peruanas.
References / See

Sánchez, R. & Untama, J. (2007). Expediente Técnico para el Establecimiento de Reservas Paisajísticas Costeras en Península de Illescas, Puerto Perdido y Hornillos. Recuperado

el 15 de marzo de 2014; disponible en http://es.scribd.com/doc/203568959/Expediente-ZRIllescas

Céspedes, C. & Bach, A. (2012). Informe sobre Evaluación Preliminar de Biodiversidad realizada en la Zona Reservada Península de Illescas.

Arata, J. & Hucke-Gaete, R. (2004). Pesca incidental de aves y mamíferos marinos. Oceana. Disponible en línea en (www.oceana.org).

Carrillo, N. & Icochea, J. (1995). Lista taxonómica preliminar de los reptiles vivientes del Perú. Publicaciones del Museo de Historia Natural UNMSM (A) 49: 1-27.

CDC-UNALM, 2008. Planificación para la conservación ecorregional del Desierto de Sechura. Informe final. Centro de Datos para la Conservación de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina / The Nature Conservancy. Lima, Perú, 180 pp.

IUCN (2011). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.2. Downloaded on 10 november 2011. <http://www.iucnredlist.org>.

Venegas, P.J. (2005). Herpetofauna del bosque seco ecuatorial del Perú: taxonomía, ecología y biogeografía. Zonas áridas 9: 9-26.

Ferreyra, R. (1983). Los tipos de vegetación de la costa peruana. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 40(1): 241-256.

“Sechura – Piura”. Google Earth. Febrero 2012

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