Π- Smart containers: Is this a possible packaging to integrate the forward and reverse logistics in Latin America?

Π- Contenedores inteligentes, ¿un packaging factible para integrar la logística hacia adelante y logística inversa en Latinoamérica?


Carlos A. Mariño
Logistics is a concept that is the subject of much interest due to the strategic impact for businesses. Efficient logistics will not only generate savings and higher returns but will also have a positive impact on the environment. This article focuses on a main component of logistics such as packaging of products and the use of π - Smart Containers proposed by the Physical Internet Initiative is evaluated as an alternative in developing countries. This document describes the benefits of smart containers, but especially it analyzes its main aspects regarding container modularity, technology adoption, and complexity of the logistics network. The expected result is that the integration of forward and reverse logistics is complex but these smart containers could be an interesting possibility to consider in Latin American countries, especially due to the fact that it might allow better resource directionality for infrastructure investment. The findings may be useful in providing insights when the concept of reverse logistics is incorporated into the Physical Internet Initiative.


Author Biography / See

Carlos A. Mariño, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Lima, Perú

Doctorando en Industrial and Systems Engineering, Bagley College of Engineering en Mississippi State University (EE.UU.); MSc. Engineering Management, California State University East Bay (EE.UU.), candidato a máster in Transportation and Logistics Management concentración in Reverse Logistics, magíster en Administración por la Universidad del Pacifico, Ingeniero Industrial por la Universidad de Lima y Licenciado como Professional Engineer (PE) en el Estado de California, EE.UU. Actualmente se desempeña como director de la Carrera de Ingeniería Logística y de Transporte en la USIL.
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