Desde la conectividad hasta la Internet de Todo (IdT)

Desde la conectividad hasta la Internet de Todo (IdT)


Ana M. Ramirez Díaz
This article is aimed at informing how the Internet has evolved to the present day and what will be the trend for the coming years. It will also present the phases through which the Internet has passed until achieving the Internet of Everything, showing how connections contribute to the Information System by giving the correct information to the appropriate person at the right time and in a timely manner, using the different associated technologies that allow for them to be applied in favor of the society in different economic sectors. The article concludes by questioning how prepared we are to adopt the Internet of Everything.


Author Biography / See

Ana M. Ramirez Díaz, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Lima Perú

Master of Science en Dirección de Tecnologías de Información por la Universidad ESAN, Master en Gestión en Tecnología de Información por la Universitat Ramom Llull de Barcelona.
References / See

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