La huella hídrica como un indicador de sustentabilidad y su aplicación en el Perú

La huella hídrica como un indicador de sustentabilidad y su aplicación en el Perú


Eric Rendón Schneir Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Perú
According to the Atlas of Arid Zones (2010), water covers 70% of the surface of the planet, and only 2,5% of this total is fresh water, and the Andean zone has 95% of tropical glaciers of the world, but most of them are experiencing a worrying retreat, which will affect the availability of this resource in the next years if it is not used adequately. The water footprint is a biophysical indicator that measures the total volume of fresh water consumed by a specific studied unit, (Hoekstra, 2003) that is an individual, a crop, a geographically defined area, or a country and a region, and belongs to a group of indicators proposed bythe Ecological Economics. In this regard, the study is aimed at showing the water footprint state of the art in Peru, indicator that could be an important instrument for the adequate water management, mainly in ecosystems that can face water shortage due to climate change, and the possibilities and advantages to develop the above-mentioned indicator.


Author Biography / See

Eric Rendón Schneir, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Perú

Economista de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, con maestría en Desarrollo Rural y Política Agraria en la Universidad Federal Rural de Río de Janeiro - Brasil, y doctor en Economía, con especialización en Economía de los Recursos Naturales en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
References / See

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