Peer review

The journal uses double-blind peer review in which the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors, and the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers.


There are at least two or more reviewers for each manuscript evaluated.

An arbitration system is used as a quality assurance mechanism for published articles, in accordance with the standard assumed by the journal.

The arbitrators are academics and researchers, mostly external to USIL, with recognized prestige in their field at a national and international level. They will be assigned for the evaluation of the articles according to topics and specialties, fulfilling their function in total anonymity. The scheme also provides for maintaining the anonymity of the authors who are evaluated.


The general procedure is as follows:

- All articles received will be read by the Editor. If the contents have the quality characteristics required by the journal, they will be forwarded to the Editor for delivery to the designated referees.

- For each article, two referees will be appointed for topics and specialties.

- For the evaluation and opinion on each article, the referees will use an opinion guide that includes the prioritized criteria and the corresponding scores.

- The result of the arbitration can be:

Accepted without modification or with minor modifications.

Subject to review and resubmission within 30 days.


- For articles that require modifications, once the authors return the corrected version, it will be sent to the referee who gave the most unfavorable opinion to verify the lifting of the observations and approve the publication. At this stage, the arbitrator may not request additional modifications to those that appear in the ruling.

For the development of their work, the referees will receive a version of the article to be evaluated, the instructions that are given to the authors and the reviewer evaluation sheet that they must use. The Editor maintains contact with the referees and prepares a list of accepted and rejected articles, which together with the opinions he must send to the Editorial Board.

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