Ethic Norms


The Journal of Economics Finance and International Business is an international academic journal that seeks excellence, through best publishing practices, according to international standards. For this purpose, the Editorial Board looks after the faithful compliance of responsibilities and commitments of their editors, authors and reviewers, according to the ethical code of publications from the Ethical Committee of Publications (ECP).


Responsibilities and commitments of the Editors

  • To preserve the confidentiality of the manuscripts, their authors and reviewers, in order that the anonymity guarantees the intellectual integrity of the process.
  • To ensure the non-divulgation of the information related to the submitted papers for their publication to anyone that are not, authors, reviewers or editors.
  • To perform a publication decision based on selection criteria in which prevailed the scientific merit of the contain and excluding all form of discrimination.
  • To guarantee the selection of the reviewers most qualified to present a critical and proficient appreciation of the manuscript work.
  • To analyse incidents of bad practices such as presence of suspicious plagiarism.
  • To resolve any conflict of interest.
  • To review the non-use in their investigations of the articles contents accepted for publication without the written consent of the author(s).
  • To ensure compliance with the maximum time limits for the review processes and the publication of accepted papers, to preserve a rapid dissemination of their results.


Responsibilities and commitments of the Authors

  • To ensure the originality of the works and that they have not been published in other media, as well as works of other authors or fragments of other works already published by the authors. The simultaneous proposal of the same results or the same contribution in more than one scientific journal is not allowed.
  • To confirm the veracity of the data, it means the empirical data has not been altered to verify hypotheses.
  • To indicate the sources of information used directly or indirectly, if the article is accepted.
  • To ensure that the work belongs to the authors who sign it. Author status implies a significant scientific and intellectual contribution in the conceptualization and planning of the work as well as in the interpretation of the results and in the writing thereof. In addition, the authors have been organized hierarchically according to their level of responsibility and their respective roles.
  • To declare that there are no conflicts of interest on the part of all the authors that may have influenced the results, in addition the authors must also indicate information on research funding and / or the project from which the article arises.
  • To inform as soon as possible the editors of the journal and provide them with all the necessary information to list the relevant corrections, when an important error or inaccuracy is identified in your article.
  • To accept the responsibility for what has been written. The authors also agree that a review of the most recent and relevant scientific literature on the subject analysed has been performed.

Responsibilities and commitments of the Reviewers

  • To contribute to the editorial decision through the peer review process, considered as a procedure that helps editors not only make decisions about the proposed articles but also allows the author to improve the contribution submitted for publication.
  • To respect the anonymity of the authors. In addition, they will not have knowledge about the identity of the other peer reviewer. Texts should not be disclosed to others without the explicit permission of the editor.
  • To consider each manuscript as confidential and prevent publishers from any type of conflict of interest. The works should not be disclosed with other people without the express consent of the editors.
  • To respect the time deadlines. The reviewers undertake to evaluate the work in the minimum possible time to respect the established the time deadlines.
  • To onduct peer review objectively. Reviewers are required to provide adequate reasons for their judgments, presenting a complete and critical report in accordance with the review protocol of the Journal of Economics Finance and International Business.

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