Riqueza ecológica marina y áreas vulnerables de la Bahía de Paracas

Riqueza ecológica marina y áreas vulnerables de la Bahía de Paracas


Rebecca Guezel Organización Ecológica Playas Peruanas ECOPLAYAS
Julien Wickel Organización Ecológica Playas Peruanas ECOPLAYAS
The Peruvian Beaches Ecological Organization - ECOPLAYAS, within the framework of its research program that includes university student volunteerism, described the ecological marine richness of the Paracas Bay during summer 2011 in order to collaborate with the management of this protected natural area and to obtain more scientific knowledge of the coastal marine ecology of the country. This article is based on such research. The Paracas Bay located in the National Reserve of Paracas (provinces of Pisco and Ica, Peru), is a strictly protected natural marine area. The research was aimed at knowing the biodiversity, identifying the ecological areas of greater importance and dealing with threatens resulting from the human activities recorded. The methodology comprises the study of the applicable bibliography and the in-situ research through diving and count of nautical activities. The results have shown a specific richness of 146 species. Among them, 10 species are protected nationwide and/or worldwide. In addition, inside the Bay, there were sectors with great richness of species but were impacted by human activities although they are strictly protected areas. This research allowed the identification of the main ecological challenges: Conservation of aquatic birds and green sea turtles and the characterization of the areas of great vulnerability that need to be protected.


Author Biographies / See

Rebecca Guezel, Organización Ecológica Playas Peruanas ECOPLAYAS

Bióloga marina, con Maestría en Medio Ambiente de Espacios Litorales y Maestría en Ingeniería de Antroposistemas Litorales en la Universidad de La Rochelle, Francia. Investigador científico voluntario de ECOPLAYAS.

Julien Wickel, Organización Ecológica Playas Peruanas ECOPLAYAS

Biólogo marino, con Maestría en Ecosistemas Marinos Templados y Tropicales en la Universidad de La Rochelle, Francia, y Maestría en Ecología de Arrecifes en la Universidad de La Reunión, Francia. Investigador científico voluntario de ECOPLAYAS.
References / See

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