Effects of a Prevention Program on Technological Addictions and Cognitive-Affective Dispositions in University Students
Efectos de un programa de prevención sobre las adicciones tecnológicas y disposiciones cognitiva-afectivas en universitarios
Objective: The effects of an online prevention program on technological addictions and cognitive-affective dispositions in university students during the COVID-19 pandemic were evaluated. Methods: Forty-two students participated in the sample, of which 21 formed the experimental group (EG) and the other 21 students the control group (CG). Academic efficacy and academic engagement scales were used, as well as cell phone, internet and video game addiction tests. Results: The application of the program significantly reduced the internet addiction, cell phone and video games and at the same time significantly increased the positive assessment of academic engagement and academic efficacy; comparisons between the study groups (GE versus GC) according to the effect sizes (.30 < d >. 50) evidenced important practical differences in the internet addiction, cell phone and video games, for the three variables the GE showed lower averages than the GC; on the other hand the comparisons between GE and GC resulted with effect size differences between medium (d >.50) and large (d >.80) in academic efficacy and academic engagement respectively, in these two variables the GE showed higher averages. Conclusion: the prevention program has reduced technological addictions, as well as increased cognitive-affective dispositions in students.
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