A Review of Empirical Research on Transformational Leadership in University Students (2014-2023)

Una revisión de la investigación empírica sobre liderazgo transformacional en universitarios (2014-2023)


Linda Giovanna Quiñones Gonzales
Fernando Julio Espíritu-Alvarez

There were analyzed empirical researches on transformational leadership in undergraduate and graduate university students from Peru and abroad between 2014 and 2023. The sample consisted of 23 research articles obtained from five electronic database: ERIC, ScienceDirect, Scopus, PubMed and Alicia. The PRISMA 2020 Declaration was applied to carry out the systematic review of the proposed topic. It was found that the United States is the country from which the main authors who published the most on the subject (30.43%), 2021 was the year with the most publications (26.08%), the most used approach and design were the quantitative (69,6%) and correlational (42.86%) respectively. The most used instruments to measure transformational leadership were the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) by Bass & Avolio (1990) and the Leadership Practice Inventory (LPI) by Kouzes & Posner (2012). Additionally, an overview of the psychometric properties of the instruments applied and the statistics used by the researchers of the selected studies was presented. Finally, some recommendations were provided to continue the development of the topic addressed.



Author Biographies / See

Linda Giovanna Quiñones Gonzales, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima, Perú

Certified psychologist and Master in Business Administration and Management.

Fernando Julio Espíritu-Alvarez, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima, Perú

Licensed psychologist, individual and couples psychotherapist, Master in Health Psychology from UNFV and Master in Creative Writing from PUCP.

References / See

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