Hopelesseness And Pessimism Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgenders (Lgbt): Effect of Counseling on Problem Coping Strategies

Hopelesseness And Pessimism Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgenders (Lgbt): Effect of Counseling on Problem Coping Strategies


Rozhan Ali Khdir PhD student at Near East University, Turkey
Gözde Latifoğlu Atatürk Teacher Training Academy, Turkey

The aim of this study is to develop effective counseling approach for the socially deprived and discriminated lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in Northern Iraq to enhance  the physical and mental well-being. The study aims to develop effective problem-coping strategies to deal with social, economic, and political setbacks. The problem identified to conduct this study is that the LGBT  people in Northern Iraq are not only inacceptable as normal members of the society but they also face rejection, isolation, and discrimination in society. This consistent hatred and discrimination against  the LGBT people develop many psychological disorders that include anxiety, depression, isolation, pessimism, and hopelessness. These psychological disorders enforce suicide attempts and socially deviated behavior among the LGBT people. The study has a qualitative research design and the researcher conducted 10 interviews with LGBTs in northern Iraq. The results of the study outlined that LGBTs in Iraq have social and psychological issues that contribute to hopelessness and pessimism among LGBTs. The society has zero tolerance in the name of religion and the conservative norms do not allow these people to live their life as normal people. They commit suicide or get into depression because of unending suffering. However, the LGBTs that received counseling improved their condition as compared to those that could not receive counseling services. Counseling helped these people to come out of depression and live a normal life by accepting the reality.



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