Influence of Academic Self-Concept and Self-Efficacy on Academic Procrastination in Peruvian University Students

Influencia del autoconcepto y autoeficacia académica sobre la procrastinación académica en universitarios peruanos


Juan Alberto Pichen-Fernandez
Josue Turpo Chaparro

The objective of this research was to determine if academic self-concept and academic self-efficacy predict academic procrastination in university students from the La Libertad Region. The data of 386 university students of both sexes were analyzed through an associative strategy with a cross-sectional predictive design. The questionnaires used were the AF5 Self-Concept Scale (ECT), the EAPESA scale for self-concept and the EPA Procrastination scale. It was found that there is a statistically significant and practical relationship between the study variables (p <.01) and that the coefficient of determination R2 = .273 indicates that academic self-concept and academic self-efficacy explain 27.3% of the variance criterion of total academic procrastination of the variable. It is concluded that the coefficients β (-, 382, -, 201) indicate that academic self-concept and academic self-efficacy (predictor variables) significantly predict academic procrastination (criterion variable).



Author Biographies / See

Juan Alberto Pichen-Fernandez, Universidad Peruana Union, Lima, Perú

Maestrando en Educacion por la Universidad Peruana Union

Josue Turpo Chaparro, Universidad Peruana Union, Lima, Perú

Doctor en Educacion. Director de Investigacion, Escuela de Posgrado, Universidad Peruana Union

References / See

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