Analysis of the Psychometric Properties of the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) in Peruvian University Students

Análisis de las propiedades psicométricas de la Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) en universitarios peruanos


Juan Carlos Escudero Nolasco
Génesis Carolina Bracamonte Acasiete
Marycielo Canales Yauri
Rosa Patricia Domínguez Bohórquez
Geraldine Janeth García Pérez

This research aimed to analyze the psychometric evidences of the Brief silence Scale (BRS) in Peruvian university students. A total of 468 students from public and private universities participated, from which 62,6% were women and 37.4% were men aged 18-50 years old (M=23.97, SD=6.58). The confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the adjustment of the oblique model (CFI=.993; TLI=.987; RMSEA=.004; SRMR=.023) and adequate reliability values were obtained (α = .79 y ω = .85). Also, the criterion validity related to the same variable with the Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS) was identified (r=.606); the Life Orientation Test (LOT – R) was used for convergent and divergent validity (r=.617) and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21), with correlation coefficients of r=-.546 for depression, r=-.515 for anxiety, and r=-.514 for stress. Finally, the invariance was analyzed by gender, age and university of the participants, finding adequate equity values in four levels of factorial invariance. Therefore, it is concluded that the BRS instrument presents adequate evidences of validity, reliability and equity to measure resilience in Peruvian university students.



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