Propiedades psicométricas e invarianza del Cuestionario Habilidades Comunicativas (HABICOM) en universitarios peruanos
Psychometric Properties and Invariance of the Communication Skills Questionnaire (HABICOM) in Peruvian University Students
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the psychometric properties and gender invariance of the Communication Skills Questionnaire (HABICOM). The sample consisted of 774 students from a state university in Arequipa. The factors were analyzed and confirmed as in the original study, obtaining satisfactory fit indices in its two subscales Personal Self-perception (c2 = 1977.683, gl = 499, p < .001; CFI = .945; TLI: .939; RMSEA = .061; SRMR = .042) and Professional Importance (c2 = 2534. 513, gl = 517, p < .001; CFI = .926; TLI = .919; RMSEA = .070; SRMR = .049) with adequate reliability indices on both subscales, for Personal Self-Perception (α = .63 and α = .85) and Professional Importance (α = .91 and α = .77) respectively. Gender invariance was adequate for the Personal Self-perception subscale; however, this did not occur for the Professional Importance subscale. The HABICOM questionnaire in general is adequate to measure communication skills in Peruvian university students.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the psychometric properties and gender invariance of the Communication Skills Questionnaire (HABICOM). The sample consisted of 774 students from a state university in Arequipa. The factors were analyzed and confirmed as in the original study, obtaining satisfactory fit indices in its two subscales Personal Self-perception (c2 = 1977.683, gl = 499, p < .001; CFI = .945; TLI: .939; RMSEA = .061; SRMR = .042) and Professional Importance (c2 = 2534. 513, gl = 517, p < .001; CFI = .926; TLI = .919; RMSEA = .070; SRMR = .049) with adequate reliability indices on both subscales, for Personal Self-Perception (α = .63 and α = .85) and Professional Importance (α = .91 and α = .77) respectively. Gender invariance was adequate for the Personal Self-perception subscale; however, this did not occur for the Professional Importance subscale. The HABICOM questionnaire in general is adequate to measure communication skills in Peruvian university students.
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