Predominant characteristics of organizational learning that influence the labor well-being of teachers in Peru

Características predominantes del aprendizaje organizacional que influyen en el bienestar laboral de los docentes del Perú


Sarita Angélica Angulo Paredes
Doris Fuster-Guillén
Angélica Sánchez Castro
Elva Luz Bautista Rodríguez
Teodoro Víctor Cabezas Ramírez

The purpose of the research was to identify the predominant dimension of organizational learning that influences the labor well-being of secondary education teachers -Lima (Peru). The research presented the quantitative approach, basic-substantive type, non-experimental design of cross-sectional, correlational-causal. The sample consisted of 200 teachers chosen by simple random probability sampling, to whom the organizational learning and work well-being surveys validated by Cronbach's Alpha (0.945 and 0.858, respectively) were applied. The results were obtained by means of the Nagelkerke R squared model, generating the value of 0.727 that verified that the estimated model was adequate. Likewise, the results of the study were processed by statistical non-parametric logistic regression. It was concluded that organizational learning influenced job well-being; Likewise, it was determined that the disposition to work, availability of resources and recognition in correspondence to the work (organizational learning conditions) influenced the work well-being of teachers.



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