Grief and resilience as a fundamental factor in times of Covid-19

La resiliencia como factor fundamental en tiempos de Covid-19


Carlos Germán Castagnola Sánchez
Juan Carlos Cotrina-Aliaga
Dante Aguinaga-Villegas
At present, where there is a global health crisis due to a virus called Covid-19, presenting a great challenge for the field of medicine and a drastic change in people's lives, a different way must be devised to be able to mourn because the virus is still in force in the environment, in addition to having lost many lives, a duel is not allowed with the respect and custom that is had in different cultures. Throughout the pandemic, there are moments of anguish, pain,depression and chaos; having to overcome drastically and resiliently. The present investigation is of a mixed, exploratory-descriptive type, the results of which are carried out for the academic context by means of a simple random sampling, based on the calculation of the sample and the predisposition of the respondents to participate voluntarily, taking as a sample 261 people between youth and adults aged 20 to over 60 years. In conclusion, post-pandemic resilience can be seen in respondents who are proneto a state of depression and anxiety, the same that must be attended by specialists providing psychosocial support.


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