Learning Strategies and Teaching Performance in Academic Satisfaction in University Students in Lima
Estrategias de aprendizaje y desempeño docente en la satisfacción académica en universitarios de Lima
Academic satisfaction in university students has been studied linking with contextual factors of the educational environment, among others, the teaching of the teacher, support in adaptation, as well as personal factors of the student. The purpose of this study was to estimate the prediction of the influence of student study strategies and teacher performance on the academic satisfaction of psychology students from two public universities in Lima, Peru. 161 university students of the degree in psychology participated, from two public universities in Lima, 46 men and 115 women, who answered three self-report scales, one on learning strategies, another on the performance of their teachers, and the third on academic satisfaction. The three scales obtained high internal consistency indices. The method used includes a non-experimental, explanatory design, to determine the incidence of the variables study strategies and teaching performance, on the variable academic satisfaction, through linear regression analysis. The results showed that, with a statistical significance level of 5% (p < .000), the two predictor variables significantly affected academic satisfaction. Based on the results, it is concluded that teaching performance and student learning strategies have a significant impact on the academic satisfaction of psychology students at two public universities in Metropolitan Lima.
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